31 MARCH 2021
On Wednesday 31 March TAFISA hosted the fifth Europe in Action project partner meeting via Zoom which brought all nine project partners together. The meeting offered the chance for partners to update one another on the progress made since the last Europe in Action meeting, in addition to discussing the projects next steps.
The first steps of Europe in Action, co-funded Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, looked to map the national policies and local deliverables in Europe related to grassroots sport with the aim to understand how European sport policies are transferred into practical action. This stage has now been finalised. However, the collection of practical actions will remain on-going throughout the project to ensure Europe in Action is up to date with Good Practices in Europe. Europe in Action has now commenced the next two stages of the project: The Design, Development and Piloting of Educational Modules, and the Development of Regional Approaches.
The Educational Modules are currently being developed in accordance with the key priority themes identified in the project’s first stage, and look to empower grassroots sport employees and volunteers by providing them with practical knowledge to better succeed at promoting HEPA and Sport for All. The modules will be piloted through three regional Active Meetings that will bring together participants from various EU regions, member states, professional environment and volunteer sectors.
The Development of Regional Approaches looks to develop a clearer understanding of the five geographical regions in Europe and provide assistance in planning, implementing and monitoring grassroots sports programmes and events. TAFISA and partners are in the preliminary stages of this process as the production of the reports that summarise the national policies, local deliverables and good practices for each geographical region has started.
Even with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the project partners remain fully dedicated to the continuation of all Europe in Action activities, including meeting virtually until international travel is permitted and safe to do so. The next meeting is scheduled for May 2021.