2nd Europe in Action Project Partner Meeting Held on Zoom


On Wednesday 16th September, TAFISA hosted the second meeting of the Europe in Action project online via Zoom. Launched in January this year and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Europe in Action is undertaking an innovative and specialised approach to transfer fundamental and topical European key policy areas in the field of grassroots sport into priorities for practical action. This meeting was attended by eight out of nine project partner organisations and provided an opportunity for the partners to update each other on the work completed so far as well as discuss any concerns that have arisen within the project. Milestones and next steps were discussed to align with the overall roadmap of the project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project partner meeting and official opening conference of the project have been postponed to coincide with the new date of the 7th TAFISA World Sport for All Games, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 18th to 24th June 2021. Up until it is once again safe to travel, the project partners are committed to meet virtually to ensure the continuation of all activities associated with the Europe in Action project with the next virtual meeting scheduled for November. The Europe in Action webpage is under construction – watch this space for the re-launch coming soon!