7 June 2022
On 7th June 2022, in the occasion of the 27th TAFISA World Congress in Portoroz, Slovenia, Sports Union of Slovenia hosted the second piloting of an Educational Module.
As part of Europe in Action Project, a total of 13 non-formal Educational Modules have been developed as a free and accessible tool for the Sport for All community. Each module will provide practical knowledge to better succeed at promoting HEPA and Sport for All as well as empower all stakeholders across the Sport for All Movement.
Of the 13 modules, “Play & Physical Literacy” was piloted through this second ‘Active Meeting', bringing together participants from various EU regions, member states, professional environments and sectors–specifically targeting stakeholders from various levels and status to foster the creation of cross-sectorial cooperation and alliances in European and national Sport for All policy delivery.
Moderated by Mojca Markovič, Sports Union of Slovenia, the morning session started off with an introduction of the project “Europe in Action” and its objectives. The workshop was then followed by presentations from speakers from different backgrounds who shared their insights to introduce programmes and frameworks for practicing physical literacy. Workshop Speakers:
- Mojca Markovič, Physical Literacy For Life, Slovenia
- Joao Mota & Joao Martins, PhD, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Vedrana Sember, PhD, University of Ljubljana
- Rose-Marie Repond, European Physical Education Association (EUPEA)
- Žan Luca Potočnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Samo Masleša PhD, Genius Safe Motor Program, Slovenia
TAFISA would like to once again thank all the speakers for their enlightening contributions and all participants for their enthusiasm and constructive questions.
Make sure you stay up to date with Europe in Action’s news to learn about the upcoming workshops in the series!