heritage & diversity

Globalisation has bought many positives to the world, an interconnectedness though shared information and networks through on the web and social media. It builds on commonalities and in many sectors, places small distinct entities, organisations, traditions and cultures on the periphery and at risk of being lost.

Traditions, games and cultural activities that are centuries old are at risk of disappearing because they do not “fit”. The value of standardisation is subsuming the value of the unique. This module highlights the importance and significance of cultural heritage, the value and contribution of traditional games and shares good practice strategies highlighting how to safeguard traditional games and culture.


Global State of Play

European State of Play

Diversity and Inclusion

History and tradition - the role of games

Traditional Sports and Games

Relevant case studies and good practices



Traditional sport and games/National sports - national heritage/Sharing culture through story and games/Sport as part of national culture /Culture and sport/Impact of globalisation/Standardisation Vs Uniqueness