Girls and women make up almost half the world population, yet remain underrepresented in many aspects of society, in particular within decision making and access to resources. This is as true within the Sport for All Movement, as other aspects of society, however within Sport for All we have a real opportunity for change. There is already great examples of policies, programs and activities occurring within the Sport for All movement.
This module provides a clear picture of the current challenges both globally and within Europe, as well as providing information about tools and strategies and good practice examples of gender equality in action. This module equips organisations with knowledge, skills and tools at create a more inclusive and therefore stronger Sport for All Movement.

Understanding Gender Equality
Gender Inequity Around the World
Gender Inequity in Europe
COVID-19: What has changed for girls and women?
Policy frameworks to support gender equality
How to collectively achieve Gender Equity in and through Sport for All
Leaders in the field
Relevant case studies and good practices
Leadership/Empowerment/Elimination of Violence against women/Stereotypes/Participaton/Mentorship/Stereotypes/Accessibility/Culture/Gender mainstreaming/Unconscious bias