& innovation

Digitalisation and Innovation cannot be viewed in isolation, they are part of the world we live in and the world we play in. Technology is an important tool, not only for continued development but particularly as a tool to assist countries to confront and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted economies and societies globally. While the rise in time spent on mobile and other electronic devices has been linked to declining physical activity levels there is also evidence to suggest that the opportunities arising through digitalisation, the explosion of gamification is creating a new and alternate way to engage in physical activity.

This module seeks to explore the opportunities provided by digitalisation as well as considering the risks and necessary safeguards. It provides an opportunity, given the existing digital gender divide, and other inequalities that exist to ensure Sport for All is uses Digitisation and Innovation to address rather than further exacerbate the existing gender gap as well as support the engagement and participation of those that are often excluded.


Global State of Play - addressing inequity

European State of Play

SDGs and Information and Computer Technology

Opportunities, Risks and challenges

Supporting Innovation

Relevant case studies and good practices



Artifical intelligence/Gamification/Digital identity/Digital Divide/Health/Security/Smart Cities/digital consumers/Education and technology