development & partnership

Sport fulfils vital immeasurable functions for individuals, communities, regions and even nation states. This centrality is seen nowhere more fully than in how the International Olympic Committee boasts of 206 countries compared to only 193 in the United Nations system. At a time in which we are living an era of relative peace, paradoxically, violence and conflicts remain. Around 80% of conflicts today - concentrated in Africa and Asia; arise due to civil war, political instability, territorial disputes, transnational terrorism and sectarian wars among others.

To this end, the added value of sport as a peace building tool that contributes towards harmonious development of mankind cannot be overemphasised and has rightly been given almost unanimous recognition by the international community, including the United Nations. The Peace, Development and Partnership Educational Module extends upon the fundamental value of Sport for All when it comes to promoting peace, development and in the building of a stronger civil society.


State of Conflict and Peacebuilding

Continued Global Challenges in the World

Advancing Development

Advancing Partnerships

How does Europe Measure Up?

SDGs commitment to Peace, Development and Partnership

Sport for All in Peacebuilding and Development

How Sport Organisations can be more Partnership driven?

Leaders in the field

Relevant case studies and good practices



Sport and Human Rights/Sport as a Development Tool/Sport and the SDGs/Violence and Sport/Sport and Conflict/Sport and Refugees/Sport for Development and Peace/Sport Diplomacy